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Writer's pictureRIFT Remain in France

NEWS Our September Newsletter

Updated: Sep 20, 2019

RIFT Newsletter and Events Page

Welcome to our first RIFT newsletter and events page! We hope you find the information useful and interesting. As this is our first ‘publication’ please let us know what you think. It’s very much a ‘work in progress’ and we can only be guided by you, our members on RIFT and RIFT Forum. Enjoy!


This week saw the start of an occasional series that Admin will post on RIFT bi-weekly revisiting some of the hot topics for Citizens’ Rights post Brexit.

Called ‘Bitesize’ these short summaries will provide high-level information for RIFTers to read and post a question relating to that topic in comments.

Bitesize posts will be saved in Announcements for future reference.

Bitesize 1 – Justine re-visits the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement with respect to Citizens’ Rights.

Click here for Justine’s post

Bitesize 2 – Mike looks at Healthcare and how Brexit may affect the way we claim Health Services in France.

Click here for Mike's post

The Bitesize guides will also be published this week on the public page of Europeans United

Articles printed in The Local (France)

RIFT has been busy writing in The Local (France) online newspaper this week! Admins collaborated to write an article about the current RIFTer experience across some larger Prefectures when applying for their carte de sejour.

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