There are just 3 weeks left to apply for your Withdrawal Agreement Residency Permit (WA RP).
The WA RP is the carte de séjour/titre de séjour issued to UK nationals living in France by 31 December 2020.
The application portal closes on 30 June 2021
I haven’t applied yet.
If you or someone you know, haven’t applied, please do so without further delay.
Please don’t leave it until the last minute as there may be a surge of applications which affects the online system or there may be other internet issues affecting the application website.
Securing your rights is essential and you need to prioritise making your application if you can.
You’ll find details about applying and links to both the French and English language versions of the application portal in our guide
Please also complete the ‘I haven’t applied' survey.
I’ve applied but haven’t heard anything following receipt of the initial acknowledgement email
You may be aware of our surveys, and that in the most recent survey results (April 2021), 45% of people hadn’t received any communication from their préfécture following receipt of their initial acknowledgement email.
We raised our concerns about this high number with the British Embassy in Paris. In collaboration with the Embassy we are currently running two targeted surveys.
I'm worried that I haven't heard from my préfécture
The Embassy are advising people who have made their application and have only received the acknowledgement email (so have not been contacted by their préfécture) to contact their préfécture to obtain an update on the progress of their application if they are at all worried.
You do not NEED to contact your préfécture, but if you would find it reassuring to do so, then you can either email your préfécture (the email address are usually found on the préféctures website) or send a letter by post. Make sure you include the reference number from the acknowledgement email and your application date.
I’ve got a rendez-vous date
Make sure you take along all the items requested in the email inviting you for the RDV, including a copy of the email invite.
Photographs need to be in accordance with the criteria for passports, ID cards etc
I’ve got my card!
If you’ve received your card, double check all the information on it to make sure its correct.
Contact the préfécture if there are any errors.
The WA RP say Article 50 TUE on it; double check yours does.
Double check the expiry date.
It should relate to the number of years you’ve lived in France
Less than 5 years – Card valid for 5 years (your rights are temporary but under the Withdrawal Agreement you have the right to continue living in France until you have obtained permanent rights (after 5 years) and will be able to exchange your WA RP for a permanent card after your 5 year anniversary)
More than 5 years – Card valid for 10 years (the rights you’ve acquired are permanent but the card needs renewing every 10 years)
General information is available on our website but you have a specific question, please join our Facebook group