The Residence Permit portal is now live
The UK has left the EU and those of us living in France need to take action to secure our rights under the withdrawal agreement (WA).
The site to allow UK nationals to apply for a Withdrawal Agreement Residence Permit opened on 19 October. The term Withdrawal Agreement Residence Permit (WA RP) may be unfamiliar to you but you need to get used to it.
The French authorities have gone to great lengths to create a system especially for UK nationals and to ensure that the process is as simple as possible. They have indicated to us that Withdrawal Agreement Residence Permit (WA RP) is their preferred term for the new type of card in order to readily distinguish it from the many other types of carte de séjour in existence.
RIFT has been briefed by the Ministry of the Interior and the British Embassy on the new site and has produced guidance based on that information. You can find our series of guides here.
The application portal went live on the morning of 19 October however, the decree that will enshrine it in French law has not yet been approved.
For people who already hold a 10 year residence card, the process will be very simple and involved a straight swap. Other people may be well advised to wait until the decree has actually been published so that we can be absolutely sure about all of the conditions. You have until 30 June 2021 to apply so there is no need to rush.
No doubt you will have many queries for our Facebook group. Our guidance will answer the bulk of your questions so please read that first.
We have further meetings with the Ministry of the Interior and British Embassy in the pipeline in order to review how the process is going once the first few applications are in.
This is the Press release in French