WA Permits
Examples of acceptable proofs
Please note the application portal is now CLOSED. However the type of evidence required to prove lawful residence by 31 December 2020, remains the same.
Examples of acceptable proofs
Here we provide some examples of the types of document you can expect to provide as proof of status.
Please note this is by no means an exhaustive list and there are other types of proof that may be equally valid for your status.
You won’t be required to provide everything on this list. Usually, a single proof will be sufficient and you need to consider what best fits your situation.
Do I need translations?
Your Préfecture has the right to ask for any document to be translated into French so that they can understand it.
The Préfectures will be aiming to make this process as simple as possible for you and will only request translations when they are absolutely necessary.
The only situation we are currently aware of where a certified translation by an approved translator will be necessary is if you are applying as the spouse of a French person and your marriage took place in the UK. In this instance you will need a certified translation of your UK marriage certificate.
If your contract of employment is in English, you are likely to need a translation but this will not need to be done by an official translator so long as it is of a reasonable standard.
Proof of identity
Copy of your passport
Proof of employment
This needs to show your work is real and effective but there is no minimum earnings limit if you are in work.
It is recognised that many UK nationals work in the tourism industry and issues arising from Covid-19 will be taken into consideration.
Your proof needs to be valid at the time you apply so you will not be penalised if you have a fixed-term contract or if your business venture subsequently fails.
Employee (one of these proofs is required)
Job contract - may need translating if in English but a non-professional translation will usually be acceptable.
Offer of employment if you don’t start work until after 31 December.
Self-Employment in France (both of these proofs required)
Proof you are registered with the chamber of commerce/ social security
Self-employment declarations to URSSAF.
Self-Employment elsewhere (both of these proofs required)
An S1
Proof that you have sufficient resources for yourself and any dependents eg. Tax bill/avis, payslip, contracts, bank statements
Proof of the date you became resident in France
Some of these proofs may need to be combined e.g. to show that you own a house and have declared yourself resident here to distinguish you from the owner of a holiday home.
If you have been here a long time you only need something that shows you have been here more than 5 years. The precise start date does not matter.
Rental agreement.
Home insurance contract.
House purchase.
Date you declared to HMRC as the day you ceased to be UK resident.
Date notified as start date of your residence on your first French tax declaration.
Utility bills.
Attestation d’hébergement if someone else provides you with free lodging (you will also need their proof of ID showing their address).
Proof of health cover
You can join the French health system immediately if you are working or have an S1 from the UK otherwise, you can join after three months legal residence. The authorities recognise that it can take time for an application to be processed and have indicated that they will accept proof that you have made your application to CPAM. We realise this is likely to be a very important issue for many people and will be checking that the official guidance is clear on this as sooner it is released
S1 (if you have one and …)
Attestation of cover from Ameli.
Attestation that you have applied to your local CPAM
Full private health insurance if you are in your first 3 months of residence prior to joining PUMA.
Although you will ultimately be covered by the French system from the date on your S1 or the date you start work (and you can be reimbursed for money paid upfront in the interim), it may pay to have private insurance until the whole process is sorted out in case you are faced with any hefty bills.
Proof of sufficient resources
If you are ‘inactive’ for instance, retired or an early retiree, you need to show you have sufficient resources not to be a burden on the French state at the time you make the application.
This is what the arrêté says about income for inactives - documents proving sufficient resources for the applicant and, where applicable, for members of the applicant’s family. The sufficiency of resources is assessed taking into account the personal situation of the person concerned.
Whatever the number of people in the household, the amount required cannot exceed the minimum amount of RSA for a single person and childless.
There isn't a figure as such as they take into account your personal circumstances but the amount cannot exceed RSA single and childless.
This is shown here https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F19778
The amount for a single childless person is 564,78 € a month
‘Resources’ does not only mean regular income. Homeownership and savings will be taken into account in determining your overall circumstances.
Your French tax bill showing your reference income (even if it says no tax payable) is the most straightforward proof to use.
Statements of income from pensions, investments, UK rental etc.
Pension letter.
Bank statement.
Proof you still lived here in 2020
You may have to prove that you were still living in France before the end of the transition period. This could apply if you have already gained permanent residence which gives you the right to be absent for certain periods of time.
We will update on situations such as long term working abroad when the practicalities become clearer.
Utility bill (electric, water, gas, landline phone) from 2020.